Monday, July 27, 2009

Keep on the Sunny Side!

I heard in yoga class today that no person could make you happy, it was up to you to make you happy. But if you decided to be happy no one could make you unhappy. I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. So today I am sharing the things over a very lazy weekend that made me happy. Saturday night we had an a tasty cookout with friends. The wonderful hosts used this book -great ideas for a twist on a cookout classic! We enjoyed lots of laughing and cold Corona Lights with lime-perfect for a hot summer night! Sunday morning we had breakfast at one of our favorite breakfast spots. We headed over the Gervais Street bridge to Cafe Strudel -if you have never been there- this is a little West Columbia treasure! French toast with a fabulous view of Columbia without breaking the bank-perfect way to start the day. (Sorry about the poor picture quality but it still captures some of the charm!)
Finished up the weekend with the completion of my summer shawlette with only a few yards of yarn to spare! Feeling pretty happy about that too-thinkin' I am going to wake up tomorrow to start the week deciding to be happy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doing More T-I-N-K-I-N-G than Knitting!

I spent much of the weekend in the car. Mr. In the Loop and I are really working on saying the word "no"! It seems we are always agreeing to something no matter how geographically challenging! We were totally unsuccessful this weekend and spent half the weekend in Cashiers, NC before getting in the car Sunday and driving 5 hours to Seabrook Island (past Charleston)I would like to report that I finished the many UFO's (unfinished objects) I have on needles but instead I spent all but the last 2 out of 12 hours in the can ripping out. I had started a summer shawlette months ago and could not seem to pick it back up without making numerous errors so row by row I disassembled this shawlette.

At about Exit 199, I started to knit not tink! This is going to be an upcoming class-do not fear the pattern as I now know it backwards and forwards! Going to work on the shawlette and the August class schedule!