In the Loop is a local yarn shop in Columbia, South Carolina. We opened our doors on January 20, 2007! I use the word "we" because even though for now it is a one woman operation I have an immense amount of support from family and friends-knitters and non-knitters alike. So this will keep you posted on my journey as a girl, small business owner, and knitter. Hopefully, this blog will always show you what is on my needles or the needles of some of my favorite knitters. As of July the blog will change just a tad, as I occasionally share my musings about expceting out first Baby In the Loop!
September Class Schedule
September 13th 6pm Beginner Class-Learn all knitting basics. $25
September 20th 6pm Beginner Class-Learn all knitting basics $25
September 28th and October 5th 6pm Easy Baby Sweater-make your first baby sweater, the perfect shower gift. $50 materials included